Ash Wednesday Message

February 17, 2021

February 17, 2021

I had hoped to be meeting with you all this evening and having a beautiful and quiet service with the Imposition of Ashes. When that became impossible due to weather, I hoped to film a message that I could share with you. With many of you without power and water, and myself without internet, that couldn’t work either. But I’ve been able to send out this short message that I hope reaches many of you during this time.

I’m sorry we’re beginning Lent this way, but in a way it is fitting. This is to be a solemn day, where we remember Jesus’ willingness to begin this journey to the cross. His sacrifice and the pain he endured so this world could know God’s love for us.

As you’re enduring, however you’re able, may you stop for a moment and just think about how lucky we really are. We may be living through a major weather event on top of a pandemic that’s causing us to be stuck at home, many without water or power. And it may seem like everything is messed up, but we are not alone. We have a Savior who was willing to bear whatever he needed to so that we could know we are loved. So that we could know we are never alone. So that we can know the Good News, that God is with us and loves us beyond anything we can comprehend.

May you remember today, Ash Wednesday, with or without ashes on your forehead, remember Jesus’ sacrifice for each one of us.

Amen and amen.
Rev. Cheryl Kimble

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