Study and Lunch Together group in Library


No matter where you are in your journey, we have something to meet you there. 

At the Church @ Highland Park , we believe we have all been called to ministry and we offer many opportunities for both fellowship and service, within our church and in our community. We hope adults of all ages can find fellowship and friendship @ Highland Park.


Year-round Activities:

Book Clubs: Discussions occur twice a month on all genres of books. All interested readers welcome.

Circle of Touch: Highland Park Baptist stays in touch with friends and members with special concerns through our visitation, prayers, cards, and contact.

J.O.Y. & Company: Life begins at 55 in this eclectic group of adults that meets for fun, fellowship, and growing in God’s grace. Special outings and trips occur throughout the year.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Every Friday morning at 7:00 a.m. the men of the church meet at Austin Diner for breakfast, fellowship and prayer. The Men’s Prayer Breakfast began on August 2, 1991. Over these many years, funds have been directly donated to charities from the generous love offerings taken at these breakfasts.

Open Door: We remain in contact with friends and members of Highland Park who are no longer able to attend church by sharing our worship experiences in their homes and celebrating life events alongside them.

S.A.L.T.: Lunchtime Biblical book studies offered multiple times a year. Attendees are welcome to bring a snack as we Study And Lunch Together.
Sisters in Service: Women of all ages are invited to S.I.S. meetings for a time of fellowship, prayer, missions, and really great snacks. Held on the third Tuesday of each month at the homes of church members, this group enjoys time together, learns about the mission activities supported by Highland Park, and blesses a local ministry with a special love offering.
Sunday School Classes: Many different groups are gathering online during this pandemic.
Womanfest: An all woman’s spiritual and spirited retreat held in the Fall.  All women are welcome to join for this weekend of relaxation, fellowship, and study with a guest facilitator.