
The Servant Service Group is very near to the heart of The Church at Highland Park. Our main goal is staying in “touch” with our members. Being aware of the needs of the congregation and community and ministering to those needs, both the physical and spiritual, are core practices of our life as a faith community.


  • Since the COVID-19 Pandemic, our Ministers administer the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.
  • One volunteer prepares the table in advance.

Open Door Ministry

Ministering to the spiritual needs of the homebound can add a quality and meaning to their life and help to keep all of our members “connected.”

  • Make regular visits and/or phone calls and write cards which serve as a reminder of the Church’s love and support.
  • If your homebound person would like to be served the Lord’s Supper, arrange for that through the church office or serve it yourself.
  • Let the church office know if there is a change in the homebound person’s situation or if they have a special need.

Circle of Touch Ministry

The power of touch can bring healing, extend hospitality, and serve as a channel of God’s grace and love which is available for all. The Touch Ministry at Highland Park serves as one of our best ways to convey this message.

  • Manage/update the list of Touch Groups and make sure that everyone is in a group.
  • Assist in maintaining ongoing Touch List concerns and celebrations.
  • Set up and prepare funeral receptions, as needed, as a way for loved ones to gather, greet, and comfort one another.
  • Serve as a Touch Leader by giving intentional spiritual care to an assigned group of 8-10 families; phone, visit, pray, send birthday cards, touch cards, and simply be there when needed.

First Touch Ministry

  • Hand out the Sunday service bulletins
  • Help greet visitors and members in the Atrium before Sunday School and before Worship
  • Help first time Sunday morning guests fill out a guest card and then give them a gift bag
  • Befriend a new member and help them learn more about our community of faith

Hospitality Ministry

  • Plan, set up, implement (includes shopping, cooking, serving, and cleaning up) special receptions such as ordinations, installations, recognitions and picnics
  • Assist in hosting conferences and events held at the church.
  • Maintain equipment, cloths, and decorations used for events.

Kitchen Ministry

  • Members volunteer to prepare dishes for various events or serve in the kitchen during an event.
  • Volunteer to keep kitchen clean and stocked.