January 6, 2021
As I sit here this afternoon watching the news, my heart is heavy. Events are happening in our country that I only imagined could happen in other parts of the world, not here! I find myself at a loss for what to say, at a loss for what to think, and at a loss for what to do.
I look up and see a hanging on my living room wall that recounts a favorite Bible verse of mine: “act justly, love mercy, walk humbly”. What does that mean for me today as I’m watching my country in danger?
We’re called to act justly and today’s actions were not just. Innocent people harmed, property damaged, people scared to be in their places of work. How do we pursue justice today? What can I as an individual do?
We’re called to love mercy. There is surely some mercy needed today! Does that mean we forget the actions today? Does mercy mean we just turn our backs and forget the way people were violated today?
We’re called to walk humbly with our God. That’s just about all I can do today. To find time to be on my knees praying for our country and for our world.
God give us clarity; help us know how to proceed. God give us words to speak that don’t incite violence but bring peace. God help us to love people who think differently than we do, but help us hold each other to justice. God help us to do what is right, to not find violence as an answer to a problem. God help us to find safety in Your arms. May those who’ve been violated today, those who have been called into service today to protect and defend our country, those who’ve been forced into locations to protect them, may they all feel Your presence and know that You walk with us, even in the darkest of times.
I invite you all to join me in praying this afternoon, a prayer for safety and peace, Amen.
Rev. Cheryl Kimble