When did you become aware the Christmas season was around the corner? Was it something some one did or said? Was it a place, a smell or a sight or an experience never before happening for you?
For me it was the tree color! Not the Christmas tree green color or lights but the beauty in the seasonal changing of the trees! Even the mesquites were vibrant and eye catching! It reminded me of the newness, the freshness, the opportunity for renewal in this season that should carry us through the year!
OR was it that person you have not seen in years gifting you the opportunity to reminisce over the good memories. Was it that choir special or the sermon that conjured up those moments fulfilled and those neglected makes the future hopeful.
May we be all mindful that our reason for our renewed awareness is the reason that originated this whole thing we call Christmas———–namely how we experience our need for and relationship to Christ!
Roy Kimble