Youth Camp

Date: Jun 20, 2021
Location: Schreiner University
We are so excited to head to Youth Camp this year with the Southwest Baptist Camping Association! It will be such a fun time! Our sponsors this year are Rev. Cheryl Kimble and her husband Roy! Unfortunately, our Minister for Youth and Outreach, Masyn Evans-Clements, will not be able to attend because of her pregnancy, but she is looking forward to making a trip down there one of the days of the week in order to attend worship with the youth. Both Cheryl and Roy will have a background check completed beforehand. Here are the details:
Dates: June 20-25 (campers and sponsors will leave after church on Sunday)
Theme: The Community of Faith
Camp Pastor: Pastor Garrett Vickrey of Woodland Baptist Church in San Antonio, TX
Place: Schreiner University in Kerrville, TX
Cost: $325/camper
The registration deadline is May 31! Please register here by that date so we can make sure everyone that wants to go has a spot! The rest of the paperwork will be handed out at a later date.
The cost for camp will be due Sunday, June 6. 2021. This can be paid online here and should be put in the “Youth Camp” section. It can also be paid in cash or by check (made out to The Church at Highland Park and with Memo saying “Youth Camp”) given to Masyn or Cheryl or placed in the offering plate.
COVID-19 Information: 
– Masks are required when not eating or sleeping or doing strenuous activity (like sports during free time/interest groups)
– We will do as much possible outside, including meals
– Use hand sanitizer and practice good hand washing often
– Pre-screen health checks before camp
– **For those planning on going to camp, they will be requiring proof of a negative COVID test taken 72 hours before camp or proof of first and second dose of vaccination**
What to Bring:
– Clothes for Sunday-Friday (including rec clothes, clothes for worship at night, and lots of socks and underwear)
– Pajamas
– Shoes (including tennis shoes for sports/outdoor activities)
– Bedding (fitted sheet and comforter or sleeping bag to go on top of the mattress)
– Toiletries (body wash, shampoo/conditioner, toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, etc.)
– Bible, pens, notebook
– Backpack to be able to carry everything they need
– 1 shower towel, and 1 beach towel
– Sunscreen/Bug spray
– Any medications needed
– Reusable water bottle/sunglasses/hat
– Any snacks they would like to keep in their room
– Spending money for camp, and a suggested $20-25 for a meal on the way to camp and a meal on the way back
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Masyn Evans-Clements at or you can feel free to call or text her at (432) 288-5823.

Other Upcoming Events

Ash Wednesday Service

Mar 5, 2025

The Ash Wednesday service will be at noon in the Chapel.  Please join us for a time of reflection as we enter the season of Lent.

the youth group standing together at fall retreat

Youth Camp

Jun 23, 2025

Passport Youth Camp for 6th grade and up will be in Moorhead, MS June 23-27