Music @ HP

We are blessed to provide many opportunities to worship through music @ Highland Park. Our Music Ministry welcomes those of all ages, experiences, and talents. We hope you will find your place to “Make a joyful noise until the Lord”!

Opportunities to Participate

The Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is a volunteer choir for all ages, backgrounds, and voices. The Chancel Choir helps lead worship every Sunday at 10:55am, and rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9:45am. The music ranges from classical to contemporary, with everything in between! If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact Director of Music, Chris Vineis

Children's Choir

The HPBC Children’s Choir chimes in the hour on the handchimes each Sunday morning as we begin our time of worship together. It is a beautiful reminder that we are all children of God. The Children’s Choir will also sing select songs in worship throughout the year. The children rehearse during the Sunday School hour. Wiggles are always welcome!

Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir meets for short periods during the year to prepare selections for holidays such as Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter, Advent, and Christmas. Highland Park has 5 octaves of handbells along with handchimes. If you are interested in participating, please contact Director of Music, Chris Vineis.

Solos and Ensembles

Highland Park has many gifted singers and instrumentalists, and we often enjoy special solos, ensembles, or guest musicians. We welcome all who feel called to share their musical gifts to do so in their own way. Please email special music coordinator, Kristin Werner, if you would like to perform in Sunday worship.