We are SO EXCITED that this year we will be doing Discipleship Now at The Church @ Highland Park!
Discipleship Now is a weekend-long event for Youth ages 6th grade through 12th grade. It’s a wonderful time of a lot of fun, making friends, and spiritual formation. Over the weekend, they will be broken up into groups and stay at host homes of church members, and have group leaders that will lead their group time. I will share the schedule for the weekend once it has been finalized.
Our theme this year is “Wild” and is based on a poem by Mary Oliver that includes the line “what will you do with this one wild and precious life?”
We are bringing in a speaker named Kelsey Brown. She’s so excited to join us for the weekend! Kelsey attended seminary at Logsdon Seminary in Abilene, Texas with Masyn.
We really hope to see all our youth and their friends here for this weekend! If they have other events during the weekend, they will be able to leave and come back. You will just need to fill out a check out form so group leaders are aware about when their students are leaving and coming back. Sign up on the form below.
The cost will be $40/student. Pay under “Youth Programs” here.
If you are willing to be a host home or a group leader, contact Masyn at masynec@thechurchathp.org