INTERMEDIATE BRIDGE A course for those who have taken LLI’s Beginning
Bridge Class, or have played quite a bit, and want to improve their skills by
playing in a learning mode, at a novice/intermediate level. Emphasis will be on
bidding. The course will use pre-set bridge hands from Audrey Grant’s books and
from the teaching materials published by ACBL (American Contract Bridge
League). In each class you will be playing several hands, each designed to
illustrate concepts of novice/intermediate-level bidding, play-of-the-hand, and
defense techniques.
Limit 20.
Jack Graham
1:00—3:00 P.M. Monday, Starts Feb. 13
The Church at Highland Park, Burchette Room
5206 Balcones Drive (78731)
Church Conference
Sep 15, 2024
Regular Church Conference scheduled Sept.15 immediately after worship in sanctuary